My Lovestroke entitle
"Four=Stagnant=Release" has just been completed.
It took me quite a few days on this one.
I have been feeling somewhat stagnant is a variety of ways and my lack thereof led me to create this piece.
There have been "4" major things in my life that seem to have placed a hold on me and in my life in ways that "I" at times have no control over then at times I do. Right now I am trying to figure out how to rise from beneath the film covered water to make my way to a level of fresh air. Have you ever seen still water that has been sitting up for days and has this gross, grimy type of film covering the surface yet it is still transparent? And when looking into the water you may see various types of creatures that have inhabited the water and are squirming around as if they cannot figure out how to get out...
well... when I was painting this piece that's how I was feeling. A little overwhelmed, at lot stressed, trying to breathe...
1 comment:
Hello Dear Artist of beautiful releasing things,
We have been watching you. We are artist also. At least that's what they call us. You may even know us. We'd like to invite you to a member of our very Private Club. We're very selective and only an elite few are welcome on our hallowed grounds. We pick you.
We even have a little 'chit chat' room just for the likes of you. It's rightfully called Dante's Pub. But when your enter BEWARE! You are entering the abyss of the artist mind! You may not find your way out.
You're welcome to watch from afar while drinking your brew or pull up a chair and join us for a little chat. Be sure and register and then log in. After all, this is a very private club. We don't allow just any wanderer in our midst.
Don't dilly dally now! It wont cost you a pence. Check out The Artist Challenge and Dante's Pub- that is if your daring and think yourself worthy to be amongst the souls we've claimed?
Farewell...until we hear from you,
Master Mike and the Pub Wench
Artist Challenge-
Dante‘s Pub -
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